"...she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Hoping to infuse your day with a little bit of joy, strength, and encouragement for the journey...

"For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:5
"...she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Time to Move Forward

Happy New Year 2010!!!

"Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." 
Isaiah 43:18-19

I love these verses, especially for the New Year - they seem to shout off the page - MOVE ON, move forward, get going, forget the past, don't stay stuck there, there's more ahead!  The Message Bible says it so clearly, "Forget about what's happened, don't keep going over old history.  Be alert, be present.  I'm about to do something brand-new." 

One thing I see so often about God in His Word is this, He's the God of fresh starts.  He's the God who loves to make things "new."  He's the God of redemption, the God of grace, the God of forgiveness, the God who doesn't repay us what we deserve from our mistakes, but instead, is able to use all of the difficult circumstances we've experienced thru life for a greater purpose, a greater good. 

Don't believe me?  Reflect on the many characters of the Bible who, like us, were far from perfect.  Many had made some pretty bad choices in life, but they also had one thing in common, they were able to move "past their past" and keep going on their journey with God.  Just think about some -David...Moses...Jacob...Paul...Peter...Rahab...the list goes on...yep, there were some poor choices alright, murder, adultery, betrayal, among others.

So, if you're still stuck in the past, beating yourself up for previous mistakes, come on, do what His word says, "forget about it already!"  It doesn't mean that all the pain from poor decisions will automatically disappear unfortunately, it does mean that Jesus Christ is able to offer forgiveness & to cleanse us from ANYTHING we've done.  He will wipe the slate clean, offer healing from the past, give power to set us free, and bring new life & hope for the future!

If you haven't yet, take the opportunity this New Year 2010 to talk to God.  Let Him know that you are ready for a fresh start in your own life.  He is with you, He is for you!  There's more ahead...keep moving!

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