"...she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Hoping to infuse your day with a little bit of joy, strength, and encouragement for the journey...

"For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:5
"...she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thoughts From Jan. 1st - 3rd Bible Readings, Genesis 1 - 11

In the Beginning...
Did You Know???

As we've started this journey of reading thru the Bible this year, here's just a few things I'm looking at with fresh eyes, questions to think about, interesting thoughts & facts.  It's certainly not an exhastive list, wow, there's just so much packed in every chapter!

Would love to hear what you're thinking as you read, or maybe what you're seeing for the first time.  Please be sure to share your comments, questions, or thoughts as you journey through the Word of God!

There's such depth, amazing richness, to the Bible, no matter how little or how much you've read before, there are ALWAYS new things to learn.  Praying that the Spirit of God will enlighten our hearts this year, like never before, as we dig into His truth.

Thoughts from the first few days, from Zondervan Bible study notes & a few internet searches -
  • Although everything else in the world had a beginning, God has always "been."
  • Days 1 - 3 were "forming" days, days 4 - 6 were "filling" days, and on day 7, God rested, not because He was "tired" but because His work was complete!
  • The present day Garden of Eden is possibly somewhere near Iraq, and there is a belief among some scholars that the Garden of Eden presently lies under the waters of the Persian Gulf.  According to http://www.gotquestions.org/garden-of-Eden-location.html , "if oil is, as most scientists believe, primarily decayed vegetation and animal matter that has decomposed, then this is the area where we might expect the greatest deposits of the substance we call oil. Since the Garden was the epitome of perfection, it stands to reason that the decomposition of the earth’s most perfect and lush organic materials would produce vast stores of the earth’s best oil." Hmmm...
  • God put Adam in the garden to care for it, to work, He gave him specific tasks to do, He never intended for us to be "idle" & without work, though many of us probably picture the garden that way.  Just the same, we may tend to picture heaven that way too, but I do believe God might have something for us to do there, using our abilities & gifts to bring honor to him.
  • Remains of Noah's ark were actually found in present day Turkey / Armenia areas in the mountains of Ararat, according to http://www.noahsarksearch.com/ararat.htm .  The flood really did happen, it's not just a cute preschool story, it's an amazing event in our world's history!
  • The flood waters rose to 20 feet OVER the tallest mountains of the earth.  Wow, that's a lot of water!
  • Noah & his family spent about 1 yr. exactly living on the ark, um, whew!
  • Bible scholars are still not in agreement with just who the Nephilim were, Gen. 6:4, but it is a very interesting google search.
  • The descendants of Ham, Noah's youngest son, included many long term enemies to Israel from the land of Canaan, and although many have read the curse of Ham to include former slavery, the truth is that Canaanites historically were of Caucasian descent (as shown by ancient paintings discovered in Egypt).
  • Noah's judgment of Ham might seem rather harsh at first, but he was at fault for "broadcasting" rather than "covering" his father's immodesty.  Shem & Japheth were given a blessing for covering Noah & not disgracing their father.
  • Ever wonder how people inhabited the entire earth, how they got there?  The Tower of Babel story specifically says that "God scattered them around the world."  Just how did specific people groups arrive to every continent around the world???
  • I see so much about the character of God in just these first few chapters of the Bible, He is truly amazing - Perfect Creator, Skilled Artist, Breath of Life, The Beginning, Light Giver, Resting Place, Holy God, Provider for all our needs, Just, Righteous, One who seeks to have fellowship with us, Promise Keeper, Giver of all good things, Safe Place in the storm, One who blesses His people. 
Wow, that's just the first few chapters...there's so much to know about Him...let's keep on reading!

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