Dear Aunt Becky,
Remember that make up you bought me for Christmas? Well, I really, really like it & I'm not sure how it happened so fast, but I've almost completely run out! Do you think you could buy me some more because I don't think my mom will. She said not until I'm 16, whatever that means. I like to put on lots of it, especially right before we're getting ready to walk out the door to go somewhere, like today, I put it on right before I was leaving for my class. (: I thought I looked FABULOUS! You would have thought so too. I even put some on Noah one day, he didn't like it as much as me, & I put some on my mom when she was sick one day & trying to take a nap. I tried to put some on Minnie too, but she kept running away, and Dawson won't even let me come near him with my make up, I can't understand why.

I LOVE MY MAKE UP! I can always find it even when my mommy tries to hide it from me for awhile, I'm a really good finder. And, I can always reach it, even when my mom puts it up somewhere high, I'm a really good climber too. My mom keeps saying she's going to buy Zack & Tobey something really LOUD or messy for their next gift. I'm not sure what she means by that, but she said you would probably understand. Thank you Aunt Becky for my make up & I would like to come visit you so we can do make up together. I love you very much!
Gracie (:
P.S. Do you think you could buy me some hair cutting scissors too?

1 comment:
This is just too, too funny! I actually almost snorted as I read your post! It's priceless:-)
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