For most of us, waiting is never easy. The season of Christmas always brings lots of opportunities to "wait." Waiting in long lines, waiting in traffic, waiting to find that close parking place, waiting to find a Wii game (we gave up long ago), and of course, for our kids, waiting to tear open those presents! Sometimes the greatest gifts of all are those that we have waited for...over time, maybe even a very long time. And, so often those most wonderful gifts come to us in a way that are different than we thought or planned, they come with an original stamp of God, sometimes in quite an "unexpected" way.
Troy & I are reminded of that every day as we look into those 3 cute little faces that God has so sovereignly brought into our lives these past 6 years. Sometimes those 6 long years of praying for and longing for child seem like a distant memory, and then many times, we're reminded of the pain of that journey and see little ways that "pain" has changed us and made us who we are today. We are so full of gratitude to Him for choosing to work in a way that was "different" than our own plan, so full of appreciation for the uniqueness of each of our children, and just so, so, well, so busy! (Even as I write this short note, Gracie has got into the dog's water & food dish, Noah has spilled his milk on the floor, and Dawson has come in & out from outside about 3 times!).
The other day as the kids & I were setting up a little plastic nativity set under the tree, I placed that little baby Jesus in the manger and thought, "wow, Jesus, the greatest gift of all, came in a way very different than many had planned." Our long awaited Savior of the world, King of Kings and Lord of Lords came in a such an unexpected way, to an unexpected place, at an unexpected time. Maybe many thought then, and still think today, "that wasn't the 'best' way to bring a King into the world, that certainly wasn't the best place, or the best time either, what were you thinking God?" I'm reminded of His words from Isaiah, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Is. 55: 8-9. Well thank God for that! He had a unique plan to bring His only Son into this world, into our lives, in a very personal and amazing way, and it definitely was in a way that many of us would have least expected. What an awesome God we serve!
If you find yourself "waiting" for something special this year, for the gift of a spouse, for a child, for that new job, for healing or salvation for a loved one...whatever it is you're waiting on, be encouraged, God knows your heart and He has not forgotten you! He has an incredible plan waiting to be unfolded before your very eyes. Be ready though, your "gift" may come in an unexpected way, at an unexpected time, or maybe in an unexpected place...but, however it comes, we can trust that God knows what is the very best for us! We can rest in the assurance that His plans for us are better and more creative than we ever could have dreamed up on our own.
Know that He loves you with an everlasting love...He sent His only Son into the world that we might be saved and have eternal life with Him. Have a wonderful Christmas & a New Year full of good memories and unexpected gifts!
We're so thankful to be a part of your lives...
Troy & Debbie, Dawson, Noah & Gracie
Troy & I are reminded of that every day as we look into those 3 cute little faces that God has so sovereignly brought into our lives these past 6 years. Sometimes those 6 long years of praying for and longing for child seem like a distant memory, and then many times, we're reminded of the pain of that journey and see little ways that "pain" has changed us and made us who we are today. We are so full of gratitude to Him for choosing to work in a way that was "different" than our own plan, so full of appreciation for the uniqueness of each of our children, and just so, so, well, so busy! (Even as I write this short note, Gracie has got into the dog's water & food dish, Noah has spilled his milk on the floor, and Dawson has come in & out from outside about 3 times!).
The other day as the kids & I were setting up a little plastic nativity set under the tree, I placed that little baby Jesus in the manger and thought, "wow, Jesus, the greatest gift of all, came in a way very different than many had planned." Our long awaited Savior of the world, King of Kings and Lord of Lords came in a such an unexpected way, to an unexpected place, at an unexpected time. Maybe many thought then, and still think today, "that wasn't the 'best' way to bring a King into the world, that certainly wasn't the best place, or the best time either, what were you thinking God?" I'm reminded of His words from Isaiah, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Is. 55: 8-9. Well thank God for that! He had a unique plan to bring His only Son into this world, into our lives, in a very personal and amazing way, and it definitely was in a way that many of us would have least expected. What an awesome God we serve!
If you find yourself "waiting" for something special this year, for the gift of a spouse, for a child, for that new job, for healing or salvation for a loved one...whatever it is you're waiting on, be encouraged, God knows your heart and He has not forgotten you! He has an incredible plan waiting to be unfolded before your very eyes. Be ready though, your "gift" may come in an unexpected way, at an unexpected time, or maybe in an unexpected place...but, however it comes, we can trust that God knows what is the very best for us! We can rest in the assurance that His plans for us are better and more creative than we ever could have dreamed up on our own.
Know that He loves you with an everlasting love...He sent His only Son into the world that we might be saved and have eternal life with Him. Have a wonderful Christmas & a New Year full of good memories and unexpected gifts!
We're so thankful to be a part of your lives...
Troy & Debbie, Dawson, Noah & Gracie
1 comment:
What a great post Debbie...thank you so much for sharing...Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!
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