"...she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Hoping to infuse your day with a little bit of joy, strength, and encouragement for the journey...

"For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:5
"...she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Sunday, December 21, 2008

And the Award for Best Director Goes to....GOD! Merry Christmas 2008!

As we rehearsed for the Kids Crazy Christmas Shows this week & presented this fun, lively show throughout Saturday, I was constantly reminded of one very important thing above all else - DON'T MISS THE CUE.
The "cue," funny word, huh? What is a "cue" anyway? Webster's defines the word "cue" as "a word or signal for an actor to enter or begin speaking, a hint." Every speaker, actor, musician, dancer, sound & light technician, director, producer, and stage manager know this one truth so very well - you cannot, must not, miss a cue!

Ever had one of those moments when you suddenly realize you've MISSED your cue - in life? Didn't deliver when you were supposed to? You weren't there when you needed to be? You blew it? You dropped lines? Or worse, you said the wrong lines? Missed the right "entrance & exit" on a particular scenario? Can you relate?
Now, on stage, that dropped line or missed cue can literally be like 3 seconds of dead air time, but to you, it FEELS like an eternity! You're there, as everyone looks on, you're groping for the words to come to you, they're out there floating somewhere in space, but certainly not in your mind where they're supposed to be, ughhhhh!!!!! You feel like everything is unraveling, you flub your way through, or if you're lucky enough, you're with someone who knows just what to do. They come to save the day, rescuing you from that terrible, dreaded, missed cue or dropped line!
I love to watch actors who's timing is always right on, who never miss a beat, who always know where they're going & what's coming next. And then, add to that, great sound & light technicians who are always right on cue, wonderful musicians who are always right in tune, never playing or singing a wrong note, incredible dancers that are always right in step, WOW, that ALL makes for one great & AMAZING show!
Unfortunately, life itself is not always a great show, is it? Plenty of "missed cues," "dropped lines," & "wrong notes" being played out there on this big stage of life. And, like many of you, I've had my share of "missed cue" moments. But one thing is sure, it constantly leads me back to this great reminder...

GOD NEVER MISSES A CUE. I mean, think about it, He alone orchestrated this huge event of sending His One & Only Son - Jesus - into the world. He, the Great Director, planned it out long before time began, He wrote the script through prophets of old...He carefully selected the main characters for this most important event - Mary & Joseph...He thoughtfully chose the supporting cast - shepherds in the fields, the wise men, the innkeeper...He directed with sound & lights, He set the stage, He sent in the music, a choir of angels at just the right moment, He lit up the sky with one big star - over THE most dramatic event in history!
He carefully directed when everyone should enter each scene. Mary & Joseph entered into Bethlehem, it seemed too late, like a missed cue, all the rooms were filled, but no, it wasn't too late, it was right ON TIME. And then just at the very moment of history that God had divinely planned, at just the right place - the STAR of the whole event entered on to this stage of life on planet earth - JESUS WAS BORN! The shepherds came right on cue, the wise men were stirred from afar to go and visit this new King at just the right time. Everything was perfectly orchestrated by One Amazing Director, God Almighty.

Definitely wins Best Director in my book. I've never heard of anything more incredible than God's plan, His big event, His performance, of sending Jesus Christ into the world to live among us & to lead us to Himself.

So, if God can do ALL of that, do you really think He's forgotten about you? Maybe you're thinking, "O.K. God, you've missed your cue in my life! Didn't you hear my prayer? I've been waiting a long time for you to respond! I'm still waiting, where are you anyway?!"
Maybe you've felt like He forgot about the part in your life when He was supposed to bring you a baby, or a spouse, or healing from an ongoing illness you continue to battle, or restoration to a broken relationship, or salvation for a loved one. Maybe you're feeling like it wasn't "good timing" for you to lose your job this year, especially in this economy & all. Has God missed His "cue" in providing you a job & stability for your family's future?

Well, here's 2 good things, if you happen to be feeling that way this season -

1. You're not alone! We've ALL faced disappointments here & there throughout life, some WAY bigger than others. Things do not always go as "we" plan. But whatever we face, we can rest in knowing that He IS with us & He does have a plan. Wise men & women do still follow Him today, no matter what!

2. God doesn't miss any cues in our lives! The same is true now as it was way back then...He's always right on time, He always knows when & how to answer each request we have of Him, He's always got the best in mind for us, even when we think it seems the absolute worst! We don't always know ahead of time, what is in God's "script" for our lives, but whatever it is, we can be assured that He is good. We can trust that His plans for us are GOOD, even in the midst of hard things & difficult trials. Don't lose your perspective, Jesus truly is the reason we have purpose, not just in this Christmas season, but in life itself.

He's not too busy to care, He hears when we pray, He knows what we need. Remember, your "wait time" may be more about someone else in your story than about you! Sometimes His seemingly "delayed" response to our prayers may be more about what He's doing in another person in this big picture scenario of life. He uses ALL that we walk through to share His love with others. He uses amazing timing & life events to cross our paths with those HE has destined us to journey this life adventure alongside, and He does all of that - RIGHT ON CUE.

Spending alot of time in the hospital or in doctor's offices this year? You can bet God is using you to shine His light!

Out of work? Don't know how you're going to keep all the payments up? Know that God has a place for you in this new phase of life you find yourself in, maybe with different people He wants you to share life with. Don't be discouraged, He knows what He's doing, keep following His lead.

Still waiting for your heart's desire to be granted? Use every moment of "waiting" to draw closer to your King. And when your "gift" arrives, chances are, your memories & pain of that waiting phase will suddenly seem to diminish, the years will not seem quite that long afterall. Amazing how that happens. You will have such JOY in the gift, such gratefulness, such thankfulness to God for His perfect timing, that He knows just the right "cue"! God's perspective of time is so different than our own, keep praying, keep trusting, ask God for help in keeping the BIG picture in mind.

Bless you all this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus our King and as we journey into the freshness of a New Year!
We love you all, you are a gift to us in this life!

Merry Christmas,
Troy, Debbie, Dawson, Noah & Gracie

"But I trust in you, O Lord, I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands..."
Psalm 31:14-15

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to find your site! Merry Christmas.

Christie Lader
Covenant Care Services