Here's a few practical tips to help, not just "endure & survive" the holidays, but to live more free of the excess stress & help to really celebrate these moments of the Christmas season!
Would love to hear any ideas you have too, or what you've found that works for your family & lives!
Top 12 List of Stress Busters, Spirt Lifters, Budget Savers, Energy Boosters, and Time Savers:
1. Keep your commitments realistic - a simple "no" can save us so much extra stress, headache, and weariness during this time of year! Make it a plan to be careful with extra family commitments, the truth is, not many of us can make EVERY holiday party and event, but maybe we can be at those few that are most important to our family. We'll probably enjoy those "few" alot more than trying to do everything anyway!
2. "Less is more" in every way! Keep it simple, just do less...let something go...maybe it's the extreme home makeover Christmas decorating, maybe it's the extra baking, the extra shopping, the extra parties, whatever it is, choose to let some things go. Freely admit, we can't do it ALL!
And, the truth is, whoever tries, is probably not a very "pleasant" person to be around anyway.
3. Shop online if you still have time for free shipping! Or, make it a point to start the season off next year, by cyber shopping! It has saved me more time, money, & headaches this year than ever before. My friend Sharon told me about 2 websites I've used many times now to find the best prices & products out there, http://www.shopping.com/ & http://www.shopzilla.com/.
Now I have to be honest, I am actually one of those strange people who does enjoy the crowded malls & shopping locations, but if you like that, you can still do that too, you just won't have the added stress of having to wait in long lines at the register! Your shopping will be done!
4. Buy stamps online. I just can't stand long post office lines, ugh! And I'm usually there with 2 toddlers to top it off, need I say more? I just ordered a bunch of stamps that will be delivered to my door, yea, http://www.usps.com/.
5. Set your Christmas budget & go ALL CASH! Using credit makes it so tempting to go "overboard" & spend too much for items that we nor others really "need" anyway. I recently read something that Mary Hunt wrote, "No gift feels as good as debt feels bad. Stuff quickly fades and gifts are forgotten, but debt goes on and on." So true! And even if you're shopping online, you don't have to use credit, debit cards work just as well.
6. Get outside, take a walk, run, or bike ride to re-energize yourself. Being cooped up in the colder weather just makes us feel more sluggish. Bundle up & get some winter sunshine!
7. Give the types of gifts that keep on giving. Money is tighter this year for many of us! So why put excess stress & drain on our finances? Be creative.
-Give the gift of words, the gift of encouragement through a personal written card or note to someone you love.
-Give the gift of pictures, you just need a frame!
-Give a gift in someone's name to a favorite ministry or charity you believe in.
-Plant a tree in honor of someone you love.
-Make something, even those of us who feel totally "uncrafty" can find something to bake or cook up! This year I'm making some winter soups & stews, & passing them out in big mason jars with a Christmas bow. And who doesn't love Christmas cookies & candy?! I know we do!
-Give coupons to friends & family, for a home made meal, for free hours of babysitting, wow, those are sometimes the VERY best gifts for those of us with young children!
-Volunteer your time at your church or with a ministry that is giving to those in need this season. That is a gift that WILL give straight back to you! We are the ones always blessed more beyond belief when we give to others who have needs or when we give our time to share the love of Christ with someone who is seeking.
Would love to hear any ideas you have too, or what you've found that works for your family & lives!
Top 12 List of Stress Busters, Spirt Lifters, Budget Savers, Energy Boosters, and Time Savers:
1. Keep your commitments realistic - a simple "no" can save us so much extra stress, headache, and weariness during this time of year! Make it a plan to be careful with extra family commitments, the truth is, not many of us can make EVERY holiday party and event, but maybe we can be at those few that are most important to our family. We'll probably enjoy those "few" alot more than trying to do everything anyway!
2. "Less is more" in every way! Keep it simple, just do less...let something go...maybe it's the extreme home makeover Christmas decorating, maybe it's the extra baking, the extra shopping, the extra parties, whatever it is, choose to let some things go. Freely admit, we can't do it ALL!
And, the truth is, whoever tries, is probably not a very "pleasant" person to be around anyway.
3. Shop online if you still have time for free shipping! Or, make it a point to start the season off next year, by cyber shopping! It has saved me more time, money, & headaches this year than ever before. My friend Sharon told me about 2 websites I've used many times now to find the best prices & products out there, http://www.shopping.com/ & http://www.shopzilla.com/.
Now I have to be honest, I am actually one of those strange people who does enjoy the crowded malls & shopping locations, but if you like that, you can still do that too, you just won't have the added stress of having to wait in long lines at the register! Your shopping will be done!
4. Buy stamps online. I just can't stand long post office lines, ugh! And I'm usually there with 2 toddlers to top it off, need I say more? I just ordered a bunch of stamps that will be delivered to my door, yea, http://www.usps.com/.
5. Set your Christmas budget & go ALL CASH! Using credit makes it so tempting to go "overboard" & spend too much for items that we nor others really "need" anyway. I recently read something that Mary Hunt wrote, "No gift feels as good as debt feels bad. Stuff quickly fades and gifts are forgotten, but debt goes on and on." So true! And even if you're shopping online, you don't have to use credit, debit cards work just as well.
6. Get outside, take a walk, run, or bike ride to re-energize yourself. Being cooped up in the colder weather just makes us feel more sluggish. Bundle up & get some winter sunshine!
7. Give the types of gifts that keep on giving. Money is tighter this year for many of us! So why put excess stress & drain on our finances? Be creative.
-Give the gift of words, the gift of encouragement through a personal written card or note to someone you love.
-Give the gift of pictures, you just need a frame!
-Give a gift in someone's name to a favorite ministry or charity you believe in.
-Plant a tree in honor of someone you love.
-Make something, even those of us who feel totally "uncrafty" can find something to bake or cook up! This year I'm making some winter soups & stews, & passing them out in big mason jars with a Christmas bow. And who doesn't love Christmas cookies & candy?! I know we do!
-Give coupons to friends & family, for a home made meal, for free hours of babysitting, wow, those are sometimes the VERY best gifts for those of us with young children!
-Volunteer your time at your church or with a ministry that is giving to those in need this season. That is a gift that WILL give straight back to you! We are the ones always blessed more beyond belief when we give to others who have needs or when we give our time to share the love of Christ with someone who is seeking.
-Give "anonymously." Do something special for someone without recognition. Make it your family's "adventure" to leave something at their door, or have a mutual friend deliver your "anonymous gift," just do something that others don't know you did. Wow, now THAT is something to teach our children. Giving without any thought of receiving in return.
-Let your kids in on the giving! Send their "works of art," stories, or notes to relatives. I LOVE children's artwork! Mandy, I still have Daniel's framed picture of Minnie that he drew for me years ago, it's going up on the playroom wall! (:
8. Spend moments of alone time with God, don't let the quiet times go by the wayside in the busyness of the season, that's when we need His refreshment the MOST! If you're really battling depression & anxiety this time of year, don't be afraid to get help, talk to a pastor, counselor, or someone you trust.
9. Enjoy people! This is usually about the time of year that people, well, can just start getting on each other's nerves, know what I mean? If we're feeling over-stressed already, any small thing someone else does can just really irritate us, right? Maybe someone "stole" the parking spot that YOU were obviously sitting there waiting for, maybe someone cut you off in traffic, didn't help you to find what you needed in the store, maybe the guy behind you & your kids in the Santa line was rude, or even worse, Santa himself was rude!
In spite of all of that, look beyond yourself & those small "irritations" & seek to spend time with those you love. Get together with family, with a friend, invite someone over -don't worry so much about what your house looks like, odds are, those you're having over will actually feel more "comfortable" in a "not so perfect" home anyway.
Being with others often helps us look beyond ourselves & our own problems, it often helps to re-energize us, it can boost our spirits. Just laugh, have fun, hang out with old friends & seek to get to know some new friends too. Especially seek out those who seem lonely, who might be going through a difficult time this year, seek to BE a friend - reach out.
10. SOAK in the sights, smells, & sounds of the season.
Pop some popcorn, get some drinks, & drive around to look at Christmas lights together.
Find the Christmas music you most enjoy & keep it on! I have to admit, I'm more an old time music lover, Bing Crosby, Johnny Mathis, maybe a little Carpenters & Kenny G. thrown in the mix, love it! It's been on in our house for about 3 weeks now.
Did you know studies have shown that the smell of peppermint is an energy booster? I read somewhere that "the scent of peppermint has been found to decrease fatigue by up to 25%." Feeling tired? Take a whiff!
11. Protect your own family time. Find those moments & don't let anything else interfere. Value your time together. O.K., let's be honest, you may not have family devo's EVERY night, but try to have it, maybe a few times a week. Be realistic with what you're able to do & then TREASURE those moments with your spouse & children & extended family. Use those times to start your own traditions, tell the Christmas story over & over, use puppets or stuffed animals, act it out (we LOVE to act out stories in our family, kids love that), read a book together, get out the advent toy or the little plastic nativity set that your kids can "get their hands on." Enjoy one another.
12. Need some extra cash for the next few weeks? Here's something we've done a number of times in life when the budget was "low." We stopped shopping. Sounds simple enough, right? I mean, we stopped unnecessary shopping for groceries and clothes.
CLEAN OUT the pantry & fridge. Do your best NOT to go to the grocery store, except for really needed items, you know, like milk, bread, diapers, etc..., things you just can't get by without! But then, try to eat whatever you have already for the next week or so, you might be amazed at all the food lurking at the back of the pantry or still in the freezer, eat what you have. Save on groceries!
Mix & match what's already in your closet for the season's wardrobe. Wear what you already have, be creative. Do we really NEED another Christmas outfit for that party? Maybe just buy one accessory to make an outfit look different. Odds are, noone will even remember that you wore that same dress or sweater last year anyway. (:
Love you friends! Praying that God will boost your spirits and pour His life & refreshing into you & through you this season!
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