1. Silence is golden.
Silence, golden? WHAT?! I'm fairly sure that whoever thought up this "great" saying was NOT a mom, and most definitely was NOT a mom of young children at home. I'm almost SURE the author that coined this phrase was a man, or possibly a mom who's children had grown up & moved on, or maybe even a mom who was awake at 3 am very grateful that all others in the house were finally asleep.
It's a tricky kind of thing, silence. I mean, you can just be going about your business, feeling like you're just getting alot down that day, almost feeling "happy" to know that your dear sweet children have finally learned how to play nicely together, "isn't that great," you say to yourself, "they're just so 'quiet,' wait a minute," then it strikes you, "they're TOO quiet!"
Silence, that deafening sound that can strike fear even in the hearts of the strongest of moms out there...it overtakes you in an instant, it sets you off, running, fast, too fast, you trip & fall over the trucks, you step on a lego, ouch...you realize you may have just lost control in those brief moments, you realize there may be some amazing MESS lurking somewhere in the house waiting for you to come search it out, you realize your child's adorable locks of curls may now be on the bathroom floor, you realize there may be water somewhere it's not supposed to be, you're afraid to see what your children "look like" after this momentary silence in the home, you're even more afraid to see if the diaper is off & they've left a surprise on the carpet...
Here's a few things that happened these past few weeks in our "silent moments" and a few things I've come to realize, once again:
- There is a reason that the Lego box says, "only intended for ages 6 & up," THIS is the reason.

- Any girl knows that hair is just "meant" to be cut. She did it again, cut the bangs, cute, huh? Believe me, we DO keep all scissors put away, the ones that helped with this haircut were my little manicure scissors she found in my purse. I found them hanging there in her hair, stuck. We're quite thankful that Gracie has not yet gone after her brothers' hair with the scissors.
I'm sure it's just a matter of time...
I'm sure it's just a matter of time...

- "Mom, is it O.K. if I download & buy some "more" games on your cell phone?" WHAT? What games have you already downloaded & bought?!
Yes, parents beware, your 7 yr. old can "buy" games at the click of a button on the cell phone and if I knew how to even get to the games, I'm sure I could figure it out somehow! I have to admit, Dawson seems to be more "techno" minded than me, I still have to ask him how to turn on the IPOD. Sad, huh? And, what mom out there plays games on her cell phone anyway? Sure, maybe there's some dads that do, maybe they have some more "spare" moments in their day than we do. I know absolutely zero moms that spend time playing games on the cell phone. That feature is solely for keeping young children occupied while you are doing something really "important." (:
Yes, give me NOISE anyday over silence. If my kids are in the house or outside somewhere, I want to HEAR them! I LIKE LOUD!
2. Another crazy thing I've heard this week is this, "The scarecrow did it."
In another "silent" moment at home, we found Gracie in the midst of a colorful design of paint on the tile floor in the entry way. Troy said to her, "Gracie, who did this?" She, being the fast on her feet thinker that she is, quickly responded, "Noah did it." Troy said, "Did Noah do this or did Gracie do it?" She quickly scanned the room & set her eyes on the scarecrow I had just brought in from the yard. "Um, no, 'scarecwo' did it." (:
Ah yes, it's always nice to have someone else around to blame huh? The old Adam & Eve nature lives on in all of us, even in our 2 yr. olds!
p.s. Washable paint does not come out of grout on the tile. Unless, someone has some advice for me!
3. And lastly, I've just recently heard, "Your cell phone water indicator sticker is red."

WHAT???? All's I knew is that it had stopped working, blank screen, noone home, out, done, broken. I didn't even know that cell phones had water indicator stickers! Can't someone invent a water proof cell phone? Come on, it's the year 2008! I wanted to tell the guy at T-mobile, "well, OF COURSE the water indicator sticker is red, I have 3 young children at home & they can't seem to keep their hands off my cell phone!" Really, what's one toliet drop? A little water spill & it's done? My cell phone needs a wet suit or some kind of protective device, don't they make those?
Anyway, Troy got me a new one, it's green, it's cute. Thank you honey. I gave the kids my old one, of course they don't want that one anymore, they want to play with the NEW one. I said, "No way, I'm keeping this one safe, we can't afford to keep buying cell phones, or games either, for that matter!"
The next day, I accidentally dropped my cell phone in my iced tea. Plop! Oops.
Please don't tell Troy. (:
1 comment:
I love your blog!!! your children are precious.
Dena Sapp/Macon Ga
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